Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cheap Attacks!

     Earlier today, we heard that Tryon's campaigners are calling all of the press, in an attempt to smear Debbie Ponte with ridiculous attacks about the company Ms. Ponte works for.
   As we have said before, we will not participate in these smears on a hardworking, honest woman just because she dares to run against a powerful 28 year incumbent.
    If other publications run with these smears, it puts them right in the same category with Tryon and his people, who are feeling desperate because  Debbie Ponte is beating him. 
     Because the Tryon camp has nothing else to use against her, they are trying to use who she works for with anything and everything.
     Hopefully, the public will see through the thick slime left by what many are hoping is Tryons last campaign. We are getting calls that we need a much bigger Donkey Pen!

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