Tuesday, June 12, 2012

$80 Permit Fee to Install Water Heater

   We hear a lot of complaints about all the fees and taxes the Board of Supervisors are passing to make us pay and pay and pay to make up for the losses they created by destroying our economy and therefore lowering  property values.
   NOW HEAR THIS!!  Did you know that it costs $80 in Calaveras County to get permission from the County to install a HOT WATER HEATER!  Does this bother you? Then vote against any and all incumbents in November. How do they get away with this?
   What do our readers think about this? 


Willy-K said...

$80 is cheap when you consider it has to pay for the paper & ink the permit is printed on, the salary of the clerk that issues the permit and subsequently files it,
the heating and A/C of the office occupied by the clerk, the inspector & vehicle that approves the complicated (NOT) "reconnection" of the pipe going in, the pipe going out and the electic or gas connection.
The real question is: WHY do we even require a permit to replace what is basically little more than a hard wired "appliance"?
Because it raises revenue for the public sector and keeps them employed obviously.

Willy-K said...

A few years ago the primary breaker on our main electric panel wore out. After PG&E confirmed what we already knew, they told us to buy a replacement breaker and call them for installation. Like all breakers, installation amounts to 2 cables simply secured by 2 screws and snapping in the breaker. Since it was a Friday evening and the breaker wasn't available until Monday we lost all of our weekend business. When we obtained the breaker and called PG&E on Monday, we were told they couldn't install it until they got permission from the County which required I get a PERMIT! To install a BREAKER!? So much for supporting local business. I wonder what would have happened if we were a private residence with an ill elderly resident and the temperature was over 100 degrees or worse yet, someone on a respirator!