Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Regular Agenda for Tuesday, June 26, 2012

    In additon to the Consent agenda having 24 items which are supposedly non-controversial (which we have learned means they don't want to discuss them), there are 13 other items on the Regular agenda for this coming Tuesday morning.
    They gave the 24 items on the Consent agenda a whole 15 minutes for approval, after Public Comments, which they have moved to the 9 AM spot in hopes that most people will not have yet arrived.
      If Public Comments last more than 30 minutes they are moved to the end of the agenda, which could be 7 PM that night. Anything to avoid the negative Public Comments they are getting which could hurt their re-election efforts. (Tofanelli, Tryon and Wilensky's clone). 
   Item 27 on the regular agenda is to spend $482,792 on a software program to track behavioral health medical claims. It is made by a company called Anasazi and is a capital asset which requires a 4/5 vote of the Board.  NO PROBLEM!
    Many items are approving a proposed budget for the year 2012-13, and one resolution, item 35, is to authorize a draw from General Fund Contingencies in the amount of $54,366 to repenish the Animal Services fiscal year 2011-2012 budget depleted by unfunded but mandatory enforcement action and approve a budget transfer authoring the Auditor-Controller to adjust the departments appropriations.
   There is a Study Session about Wolf Hybrids in Calaveras County, supposedly to start at 11 AM. LOL
    Then another Study Session after lunch, scheduled at 1:30 PM to discuss Transit'a performance audit and recommendations.  This is one they have every year. Transit seldom ever meets it's requirements and nothing is ever done about it.
    An interesting statement is made under Correspondence. That is "the Board may take action on any of the following "letters"?" Is that covered in the Brown Act? No action may be taken on a verbal Public Comment, but action may be taken on "letters?'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the "correspondence" is listed on the agenda and included in the board package they can act on it. If not, they cannot.