He is now stating that he will allow half of the TOT tax to go to his favorite non-profits in exchange for their votes. This is the way he has kept himself in power for 8 years, and how his clone Wright would continue to follow the muddy trail, right into the toilet.
Why do these people resent the tourists so much, stating things like, "Better the tourists than us" (well, if they could type)? Weren't most of them newcomers at one time?
It used to be that the tourists came and visited and loved the area, buying a first or second home here. That is a no-no with those who hate and are extremely jealous of "outsiders".
Callaway, Wilensky, and Tryon have all three bought into this NIMBY (not in my back yard) mentality, in order to get re-elected by those uneducated, going nowhere folks.
Now their property values and jobs have been affected, but they DON'T GET IT! This is the policy that caused our depression in Calaveras County to be so deep.
Prejudice, jealousy, and hatred of anyone different is so prevalent in Calaveras County, it is scary, but when our elected officials use it to get re-elected again and again, it becomes a sickness.
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