Sunday, June 10, 2012

Law Against Cowboy Hats?

good guys wear cowboy hats

Thunder of the Cowboy Hats

   Apparently Wilensky's clone doesn't understand much about the way people vote or about why they wear cowboy hats.
    If I was a voter who supported Mike Dell'Orto, why on earth would I now support Steve Wilensky's  clone?  Dell'Orto has endorsed Randall!!
     And why does Wilensky's clone worry so much about who does or does not wear a cowboy hat? If these are the things he has in his mind as important, would District 2  be in real trouble if he got elected, or what?
    District 2 needs a new direction just like District 4. Randall is the new direction we need. No more scandals, no more chaos, no more lawsuits, and bring back the good jobs; no more SLASH AND BURN! NO MORE WILENSKY!!

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