Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Taxes, fees, more taxes, more fees

Supervisors raise more fees
and taxes on our small businesses
     Nothing could be closer to the truth than the person who wrote that Calaveras County cannot survive without raising all of its fees and taxes, now that no one wants to buy property and build a house here anymore. 
     The Planning Department has nothing to do, so they have been spending their time making up new fees and taxes for us, the most recent being a SIGN TAX. A sign tax for businesses, but not for certain Supervisors supporters.
    These Supervisors raised RIM (Road Impact Mitigation) fees recently, because as Supervisor Callaway stated, there are NO contractors to complain about it right now, so it's the perfect time.
    Since these are the same Supervisors who caused this entire economic CRASH in Calaveras County, with their anti-job policies, they are now busy raising ALL taxes and fees to try and make up for their losses at the county government. (so they don't have to lay off employees, just the small businesspersons).
    Until this county elects people who understand economic principals and refuse to follow the "enviros" lead off of cliffs, we will stay in a depression, and now they want to raise TOT taxes on the people who own motels, hotels, B & B's, etc.
    Not only that, but Wilensky wants to give that extra money to his supporters who run certain favorite non-profits of his.  What happened to the State law that says you can't fee or tax someone over what it actually costs the local government to run that program?
   This is absolute corruption, and we all know that power corrupts absolutely.  These people have been in power for too long. We need to THROW THEM OUT! Until we do, Calaveras will still head downward into further depression!

1 comment:

Willy-K said...

Our County offices have been taking their cues from Sacramento for years and now they have a kindred spirit in our Federal government. Government FOR the people OF the people? I guess that all depends on WHICH people you're talking about. It's certainly NOT businesses owners. There used to be a handful of County officials that weren't self-serving and/or Entitlement oriented but I suspect those that haven't been pushed out are generally afraid to speak up.