Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dear Editor: re Murphys Sanitary Board

   Dear Editor;
    I was just recently allowed to see copies of the letter that the Board member Patricia Davies wrote dismissing claims of her having a conflict of interest and of the letter written by the Murphys Sanitary District Counsel Ken Airola.
    I am amazed at how similar they are.  It was as if they were actually written by the
same person, a legal person. Is that true?  Is that legal? What's going on at our Sanitary District?
   Also, I noticed that at the last meeting Julio Guerra, the new General Manager of the MSD, stated that yes, the Board had been violating the Brown Act law by holding secret ballots, but that the time allowed to complain has expired (he says you only get 90 days) and that he has corrected these problems and made sure the Board has had ethics training classes.
    And what is this about the mold in the ceiling causing an illness in an employee? What is being done about that? There has to be a conflict if the owner of the building is also the boss of the person who got sick?
   Is it true that the owner made a statement something to the effect that they aren't sure that they believe the employee, or that the employee hasn't proven that it was true?
   And is it also true that all of the material was taken away before it could be tested, so that the chain of authority over it is now no good?
  There must be something wrong at that District Board? I believe it is time for the Davies to go!
               Murphys Resident  

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