Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hate us More or Like us Less


 At the last Board of Supervisor's  meeting, Bonnie Newman of Double Springs criticized the Board of Supervisors for cutting out their meetings. (they now work part time for full time pay) and then last week they cut out anything in Public Comments over 30 minutes in length until the very end of the meeting.
    She also criticized the Board of Supervisors for ranting on and on without time limits boring the audience, but the Supervisors don't like it when the voters make the same lengthy speeches.
   Now everyone knows that Tryon, Tofanelli and Wilensky are running in re-election run-off campaigns (yes, Wilensky has a clone who's running for him) and none of them want to hear any criticism for the camera to hurt their re-election chances.
   And Newman is correct. All three have been campaigning each and every week, with no time limit on their rants.
    It's too bad that the voters only get to choose once every 4 years. Hopefully, they will remember that these three voted to stifle the public's right to free speech, and replace them with someone who respects the public's rights.
   So does the Board of Supervisors, even though they only work part-time and get full time pay, as Newman queried "Hate the Public More or Like the Public Less?"

    What do you think?

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