Friday, July 20, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Skunk Story

   Dear Editor:
    My wife and I enjoy all the animal articles and stories you do. We have one for the readers.
   I like the little skunks. My mother liked the little skunks and I like the little skunks. I give them a little cat food and water so they come around often, and so do the raccoons.
  Anyway, Thursday night around 8 or so, I noticed two young skunks wrestlng and chasing each other
near the few kernels of food that were left.   
    Out of the underbrush walked a black, maybe year and a half old bear cub, tilting his head and watching those two little skunks.
   The skunks weren't paying any attention, and the bear was right over the top of them when they saw him  and you never saw skunks run so fast, with their tails flying high. They did not spray him, though.
   The young bear stood there and looked kind of longingly after them and then ate the last few pieces of cat food.

   It seemed like he just wanted to play too and that they hurt his feelings.  He walked back into the underbrush, and we didn't see the skunks again either.
                    Two who love the Sentinel in Ebbetts Pass

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