Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Massive Fire in Mendocino National Forest

    Update: It seems this is not a good year for California forests, as we watch with horror, our forestlands in many areas of the state, burn out of control.
   No where is this more true than in the Mendocino National Forest, where, as of Tuesday July 17, 2012, is  29,552 acres
have been destroyed so far in the Mill fire.  They report containment is around 75% at this time.
   This is in steep terrain and backfires have been set in several places in an attempt to slow down the growth of the fire.
   The cause of this fire has still not been determined and is under investigation. The cost of this fire so far in $12,000,000.

   And now whatever deer survived have to suffer the tortures of the archery hunters, as that season has now opened. 

    Humans are the real predators in this world! 

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