Friday, July 20, 2012

Murphys Sanitary District Cleaning Certain Resident's Sewers

       Mike Pecchia, an MSD ratepayer, wants MSD to maintain his lateral sewer line, and the agenda at the Special Meeting had an item to change the rules to allow long-time residents to get free clean out and maintenance of the lateral sewer lines, which could cost the District
    The discussion was to possibly make a cut off date of perhaps people who have continuously lived in their homes to get the service free, but that new people should not get that free service.
   Do you see something "good 'ol boy" in this new rule, now being created by their Counsel Ken Airola. He is to bring back a possible new rule for the Board to consider next meeting.
   One comment made was that the old lines are collapsing and rainwater is seeping in, that most of the old lines need to be replaced. They had better start saving their pennies. Well, maybe each MSD Board member is willing to put $1 million each into the pot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murphys Sanitary District better wake up and smell the coffee!!! Resident Mike Peccia has been seen working for the Board Chair Pat Davies and now will get "free" sewer lateral, against the advice of the General Manager, District Egineer and the Field staff? This will require an Ordinance change as well??Interesting as well..the Davies were just given a "Free" hook up worth $10,000.00. Something sure stinks at our District and it is not the SEWER!!!