Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Murphys Sanitary District Receives Mold Report

    We just received a copy of the report MSD received from the Mold Inspection completed in their office, owned by John and Pat Davies in Murphys. Pat Davies is currently a Board member of MSD.
   The MSD Board of Directors Special Meeting is scheduled for tonite, July 18, 2012 at 5 PM, and the mold situation
will be on the agenda, in addition to opening the sealed enveloped with secret ballot votes inside.
    Should be an interesting meeting. Will the owners of the building, one a Board member, John and Pat Davies, be allowed to participate?
   How long will other Board members allow this to go on? Which Board members care about the ratepayers and the future of MSD and which ones care about themselves and their friends keeping their jobs?
   This is like a stinky time bomb that just keeps ticking away.     If Murphys cares, they will be there, 5 PM tonite, July 18, 2012.

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