Friday, July 20, 2012

Secret Ballot Vote Envelope at Murphys Sanitary Board Opened

   During their Special Meeting of July 18, 2012, the Murphys Sanitary Board  opened a sealed envelope of a secret ballot vote that had been taken illegally.
   Beth Hartline, a MSD ratepayer had requested this be put on the agenda and opened publicly.
   Some of the Board members seemed to act as if this was NO BIG DEAL, and brushed it off as unimportant.
   The vote, which had no names of who voted for who, showed a total of 6 votes. Three votes were for one person, two for another and one more for yet another person.
   After a comment by one person who seemed to be saying what's the big deal, Julio Guerra, the new General Manager stated that "Secret Ballots are illegal, and we won't be having them again."

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