Thursday, August 2, 2012

Assessor Gets Board of Supervisors $500,000 Windfall?

   UPDATE: August 2, 2012
Although the property tax assessment rolls went down only 4.37% per the tax assessor, many in the County are complaining that their property values went down more like 10 to 15%. So what happened?
    How these figures are arrived at is in question, but the main issue is that the Tax Assessor has actually created a windfall for our County Supervisors of somewhere around $500, 000.
In fact, we understand that the next agenda (they get a three week break between the last meeting) they will have an agenda item  to decide on what to spend this money.

 On August 1, 2012,  Leslie Davis, Calaveras County Tax Assessor told us in a press release that the 2012 Assessment Rolls have diminished by another $248 Million, or 4.37% over 2011.

    However, this press release failed to mention that she had told the Supervisors during budget hearings that she expected it to be down 10%. Therefore, the windfall.
   In a statement released by her office, Davis says the rolls have been certified and delivered to the Auditor.
   She also thanks her employees, who have continued to perservere during long hours with less employees than are needed.
  Stating that they still have a backlog of assessments, Davis says that they continue to work on them.
  She also indicates that the Homeowners's Exemption decreased by nearly 2.5% this year.
      The most interesting things she told us was that the State of California said that the inflation rate on homes was 2% this year. ARE THEY KIDDING? Don't they mean -2%?
   We can only imagine what the Board of Supervisors is going to spend their windfall on, thanks to the County Assessor.  There are a few angry people out there!


Anonymous said...

Leslie Davis is a gutsy Assessor. Good going!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Leslie Davis - too bad the other department heads won't stand up to the Supervisors and the worst one the CAO - jeanie Boyce. How is it that the Assessor had to do her job with fewer employees than were needed to do the work and yet Administration gets to add additional employees AGAIN!!! Anybody look at the salaries being paid in Admin lately - WAY TO HIGH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Personally i don't think that's so great. my property value went down 15% more last year. where does she get her values?

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. This is a completely different story than what was published yesterday. Did Davis pull the wool over everyone's eyes and not mention the windfall in some press release? Now I'm thinking maybe she's in their corner after all.

Anonymous said...

The county has $100,000.00 and change as contingency funds. Add $500,000.00, now they'll have enough to start bankruptcy proceedings. $600,000.00 and change is a far cry from $2 million minimum contingency funding. Now they can start discussions of hiring the additional correctional officers for the extra 15 beds (80 beds total) to open the one half full new jail next year. What is that, about $90,000, salary and benefits per officer? Hey, there will be some change left.
I do hope the board thanks Assessor Davis and her staff for the job they have done.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sure. They'll probably give her a big kiss!