Friday, August 3, 2012

Assessor Responds to Readers Questions About Value

  Tax Assessor Leslie Davis responded to our readers questions about why overall property values only went down around 4 % while residents' property values went down 10 to 15 % in 2012.
   The long explanation is basically that your individual property value does not always reflect the trend downwards. It has to do with the States' implied 2% upwards and also the effect of other property values around the county.
   Its very confusing, and we're trying to give you the short answer. We know its frustrating, and many we have spoken with don't like the idea that the County Supervisors are being rewarded for what many feel in mostly their fault; they decline in jobs, and foreclosures as a result, and therefore property values.

   Davis also expressed understanding with the frustration and anger of the property owners of Calaveras County.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as we need more policing, i am disgusted that any more of my tax money gets to be spent by these elected officials.