Thursday, August 16, 2012

Big APWU Convention in LA

   The American Postal Workers Union is holding their convention in Los Angeles August 20 to 24, 2012. Hundreds of union representatives from all over the country will swarm into LAX and spend  the next 5 days felling sorry for each other.

   The plan is for the APWU to call their annual "get-together"  ONE UNION, INDIVISIBLE!

   They say on their website that they will never allow the word "closure" to enter into their union vocabulary, nor will they allow their highly paid postmasters at little tiny rural post offices to be replaced by PMR's (Postmaster Reliefs) which cost the residents a lot less. 

   Since the PMR's I know are extremely nice, as opposed to some of the rude, disinterested union employees, I'm looking forward to all of them being replaced.  Have  fun at your annual party.

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