Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Republican Weekend!

  Monday August 20, 2012:  Republicans had a big weekend over  August 18 and 19, 2012.  Apparently there will now be an investigation into a freshman Congressional fact-finding trip to Israel, after what one person told us may have been a religious experience.

   At least one of those Republicans has apologized for going skinny dipping in the Sea of Galllee after a dinner (and possibly a bit too much Manischevitz) there.

  The FBI is also beginning an investigation of the trip, which was made on taxpayer dollars.

   Then a Republican candidate challenging Clair McCaskill in Missouri was interviewed about his stance on his on women's rights made a bizarre statement..

    Shockingly,  Todd Akin, Republican, said that no abortion should be allowed if a woman is raped because doctors have told him that in a true rape, a woman's body has a way of shutting down and not allowing a pregnancy.

   He has tried to back off his statement, but it was a televised interview and some Republicans are now asking for him to be removed from the ticket and replaced today.

   However, many tea party type faithfuls defend his stance and the statement, and want him to stay in the race.

  You just can't make this stuff up!  Whether our locally elected officials or national politicians,  open mouth and insert foot, or get juced and go skinny dipping in a foreign country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

political partying at its best!