Friday, August 24, 2012

BLM Announces Open House on Illegal Dumping in Nevada County

BLM Announces Open House on Illegal Dumping in Nevada County
The Bureau of Land Management will hold an open house for the residents of Nevada City and surrounding communities Tuesday to discuss the issue of illegal dumping on public lands in California.
The open house, part of a series of BLM meetings to keep residents informed of the problem of illegal dumping in California, will be held at the Madelyn Helling Library Community Room in Nevada City, 950 Maidu Ave from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
"Public health and safety is our top priority, so we want the local community to be fully aware of our plans and actions and address any comments, concerns or questions the residents may have," said William Haigh, BLM Mother Lode Field Office manager. "We are pleased with the success of our community-based process to date to resolve the issue of illegal dumping."
Questions or comments about illegal dumping should be directed to Peter Graves, environmental protection specialist in the BLM California State Office (916) 978-4685, email

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