Friday, August 17, 2012

Board of Supervisors Out of Touch?

   If anything can show how out of touch with voters our current Board of Supervisors is, it is their most recent meeting. Anger, yelling, denial, refusal, and demanding voters dominated the room.

    Not only Tom Tryon, but Gary Tofanelli and the other three all voted to approve a letter negating the Calaveras Grand Jury 2012 report.

   The fallout will be shown at the ballot box in November.

  We already know that Tom Tryon and Merita Callaway have been in office way too long, but to refuse to recognize the dangers of NO TERM LIMITS is a sign of bad supervisors.

   How long does Gary Tofanelli plan to serve?  His failure to recognize the facts as presented by the Grand Jury is a sign that he should not be re-elected, in our opinion.

   And we doubt that Tryon has a chance of being elected for his desired 32 years stint.

   If Wilensky's clone is elected, Chris W (right or rong), it's just like Wilensky  is extending his incumbency, since W plans to continue Wilesnky's bad policies that led this county into the condition it is currently suffering from.


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting, the Board of Supervisors denounce the Grand Jury for doing their job. Yet, when citizens present legitimate issues regarding the board's action, the citizens' concerns are dismissed.
Funny things happen during the election season.

Anonymous said...

Hmm....seems the same old game is being played out in yet another election year! Term limits are the only way to stop the spread of bad management in out county by the members of the BOS! I feel so ashamed of them! As for the Grand Jury report...reason minded thinkers, members of the Public that have no wool over their eyes and our BOS DENOUNCES their report??? What gall!!! Hurray for the Grand Jury, they take no porisoners!!

Anonymous said...

With all due respect how can the BOS negate the GJ report? Isn't that an obvious conflict of itnerest? It ddirectly impacts thier ability to be re-elected. So NO they should have least Wilesnky, Calloway and Tryon.