Friday, August 17, 2012

Callaway's Rim Trail NOT ADA Compliant-Who Lied?

  We watched as Supervisor Merita Callaway got her friends together to apply for grant funds from the COG years ago, claiming it was a trail that was ADA compliant. You won't see a wheel chair or other Disabled person able to walk or ride that trail.

   Residents of Pine Drive in Arnold have repeatedly told Callaway, according to one speaker, that the never wanted or approved of that trail.

  Public Works now even admit now that it will not be ADA accessible at the Pine Drive end because they are putting rocks between the path and the edge of Pine Drive to make sure its not.

  And they are applying for exemptions from the ADA they say, because of trees. Those trees were there when they applied.

    Has the money already been promised and delivered to Callaway's friends? Was this a campaign support promise she kept, to get money for certain people to have a trail.

   Is there a higher degree of corruption!  And where will all the people park on Pine Drive to walk the trail?  If this is allowed and our TAX money is given to Callaway for this project, (and that is what this grant is OUR TAX MONEY)  it will prove the Grand Jury was right. She has been in office way too long!

   The skateboarders, on the other hand, will have a ball, but there aren't too many disabled skateboarders. This money was applied for under false pretenses, and now they admit it. Public works even said they are asking for exemptions to the ADA rule.

  Corruption, corruption and more corruption. That's all we see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eighteen years is the age of this project? What a sad commentary!