We are researching, conducting interviews, and collecting information pertinent to the apparent lack of administrative abilities of certain board members to look out for the ratepayers, instead of their personal interests, including conflicts of interest.
Are there any Board members on MSD who have a financial benefit to
being on the Board? Would all reports of employee injury be investigated thoroughly and all evidence collected left at the site of the injury?
being on the Board? Would all reports of employee injury be investigated thoroughly and all evidence collected left at the site of the injury?
Are personal friendships or "good 'ol boy" relationships being put ahead of what is good for the ratepayers overall? Are there any problems with certain employees who have not performed as should be expected over these two years, but are not held to account? Do certain Board members protect them?
Something is amiss, and we will report to you our findings when our investigation is complete, including opinions from outsiders and sources close to the world of special districts in Calaveras County.
And where is their expert legal advisor been during all of this?
Something is amiss, and we will report to you our findings when our investigation is complete, including opinions from outsiders and sources close to the world of special districts in Calaveras County.
And where is their expert legal advisor been during all of this?
Im glad someone is investigating. There have been numerous employees and Board Members that have left the District due to the good ol' boy policy that has run the District for many, many years. In the past few years I have noticed the District has gone down the toilet without its original employees and fair Board Members. Maybe someone should look into the back ground of WHY so many good people left!
Get RID of Ralph Emerson
Common denominator: problems of MSD = Ralph Emerson
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