Thursday, August 23, 2012

Letter to Animal Lovers of Calaveras County

   Dear Fellow Animal Lovers:

After last weeks embarrassing comments made at the Board of Supervisor meeting regarding hunting black bears with dogs, I have to make some comments of my own.

    I am really tired of hunters presenting the "revenue" argument almost to the exclusion of anything else. If this is a revenue issue then dog fighting and cock fighting should also be legal.

   Secondly, hunting cannot in any manner be called a sport. You need to go online to Utube and watch the videos these hunters have so proudly posted, which shows their lack of humanity.

   "Black Bear Death Moans"   "Baby Elk Cries for Mom"  "The horrible torturous cries of the black bear" and others.

   If this doesn't influence you that there is something wrong with hunting, nothing will.  This is disgraceful!  Here are some excuses hunters make:

    1. Our forefather hunted bears.  Yes, they also kept slaves.  This simply means they had an utter desregard for what was decent.

    2.  Bear license applicants need only be 12 years old when they begin their life long serial killing spree.

    3.  How many hunters do you know that also poach, kill raccoonns and even kittens? I know several.

   4.  And of course killing with arrows is allowed because that is a merciful way to get your hunting pleasure.  Watch the video. Don't be a coward. Watch the video.

    5.  Department of Fish and Game do not enforce the laws against hunters who bait the bears, or torture any animal they come across.

    6.  There have been 12 black bear attacks since 1980 (that's 32 years). Four of the eight bears were killed, even though they were in their natural habitat and were being harrassed by campers or hunters.  Not one person has been attacked while in their homes or at the grocery store.


        I'm watching to see if the Board of Supervisors supports the Gun and Hunting Lobby,
                   And I VOTE!!!



Anonymous said...

I vote too!!! This is not about lost money.....hunting licences will earn less then $150,000 for California in 2012 for bear hunting. And of that, HALF goes towards the special bear license. the rest goes to the regular hunting license which means less then $75,000 will be lost. And quit saying hunters a buying stuff local....everyone knows that most hunters go online or to Tracy to shop. Anyways....this is about cruelty to animals. you want to hunt bear Tough Guy.....the do it without dogs. Now that will be a real challenge Mr. Sportsman. Watched the video and it made me cry.

Anonymous said...

I want to know what Supervisor Tryon had to do with this? If he's the one who puts it on the agenda, we'll all know where he stands on animals rights.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video of the mother a baby elk, i want to scream for the animals. like it said on that video, hunters have to be psychopaths to torture and murder these innocent animals.

Anonymous said...

Give the bears guns to make it equal and watch the coward hunters run for the hills

Anonymous said...

Its past time for hunting season on hunters.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised a certain gun crazy shooter is not making threats to us animal lovers. He threatens everone else.

punky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He's probably buying up everything at that Minuteman Survival Supply place.