Dear Editor:
In a rather shameful display, and pretending as if they struggled with the decision, Supervisors Callaway and Wilensky, who pretend they care about animals, voted to support Tryons letter against SB 1221, the ban on hunting bear with hounds.
When Mr. Joe Duncan, a Tuolumne County resident, (no he doesn't even live here) gave all the phony (in my opninon) statistics of how much money Calaveras County would lose if hunters were not allowed to use hounds to horrify, torture and then unmercifully slaughter the black bear population, I almost vomited.
And when I read in the Sentinel last week that the Calaveras Humane Society was asked if they really cared about animals that they would show up and speak, they were silent. Just like the Sentinel said, they called Callaway to ask her. You could tell she had read the articles printed here.
Callaway said that the Calaveras Humane Society is not in any way a Humane Society like the one Nationally recognized. Now that is obvious. No humanity towards animals in general.
And they will never see any money from me, not EVER! So Callaway can help her separate CHS build a pet place. They don't care about animals. I should have known better than to think they would show up to help bears or bobcats. I recommend no one reading this give them one cent either.
All five Supervisors should be thrown out of office!! This proves it!
A regular reader
just read this. i agree. i'm through with this humane society formed and run by a supervisor that has no civilized love for animals in general.
they'll get no money from me.
Every action taken yesterday on SB1221 was out of fear. Only 1700 licenses are issued this year. At $80.00 a piece. How much revenue do you REALLY think Calaveras County gets out of that? Andy when did humanity become less important then money? I will NEVER EVER give a penny of my money or a moment of my time to the Calaveras SPCA
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