Thursday, August 23, 2012

Letter to the Editor About Noise

   Dear Editor:

    Is everyone in the County aware that one of  the #1 complaints of noise is shooting and gunfire; some random and some target practicing?

   Of course, we are!  Well, in the judgment of the Board of Supervisors all of these things should be exempt in their new noise ordinance.

    Why?  We up in the Hathaway Pines area who have to put up with all the noise, not to mention the harrassment, threats, vandalism, trashing, and general misconduct of shooting, can't even complain about the lousy noise ruining our peace?

   What is wrong with our elected officials?  Are they catering to their special interest voters in order to get re-elected?  What is the purpose of a noise ordinance if it isn't to stop the continued noise from people who don't care about our comfort level--these shooters?

    I know who I'm not voting for again, Ms. Callaway. You had better reitre. You have done nothing to help us!   And now you are catering to these horrid people again!
                                             Sick of the Candy Rock "Crazies" and Bad Elected Officials


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Why should shooting be exempt? I thought they closed that Candy Rock place.

Anonymous said...

Supervisor Callaway has done absolutely nothing about the noise and fear created by shooters at Candy Rock. She continued her protection of these shooters at the last Board meeting, not allowing shooting to be part of the noise ordinance. Sorry i voted for her.

Anonymous said...

You are right about Callaway. She does nothing to help, but its also the Stanislaus National Forest. These shooters are friends of theirs and don't care about us normal folks who have to endure the shooting noise and other criminal offenses committed by these people.