Thursday, August 30, 2012

Letter to the Editor: About Welfare

   Dear Sierra Sentinel:
    I watched the NRC last night, as Ann Romney gave a very sweet speech about how much she loves her husband Mitt,  and how America can trust him.

  Then I saw Christie, who gave a hard-hitting speech, not actually in the standard Christie style. It gave the impression that they were playing good cop, bad cop.

   Rick Santorum also spoke last night. He was nervious, sweating, and hit welfare in his speech. He continued the criticsm on the morining talk shows on Wednesday, saying that giving welfare out is taking money from the rich to give to the poor to get them to vote for them.

   He said that this is just like what happened in the Great Depression of the '30's. Now, most of us were not around then, but we can remember our grandparents talking about how people stood in long lines in the street just to get soup and a piece of bread to eat.

   Welfare, food stamps, unemployment and other assistance is necessary in times like the Great Depression, and Calaveras County is very near to those times now.

   Anyone who would begrudge benefits to families with children in order to allow the large corporations and other wealthy people like the Romney's to keep all of their riches, is an embarrassment to this country.

    Whether we like welfare or not, in times like these, it is there to prevent widespread starvation, crime and complete deterioration of society.

     I appreciated your coverage of the convention. Hope you will follow the DNC next week.

                                            A Calaveras County Democrat


Anonymous said...

I liked the comment made on the Bob and Tom Show this morning on the radio that yesterdays rnc convention was the best comedy show of the night.

Anonymous said...

I thought Chris Kristy had some very good comments.

#1 They Stand for Teachers Unions, We stand for Teachers.

#2 Dosen't matter how we got where we are today, Their is plenty of blame to spread around. Whats important is what we do from this point on.

Im so done with the big O cant wait till NOV to vote him out.

Anonymous said...

Do you really believe the two little r's will not just go back to doing what the 2nd b did, and try to destroy our country?

I'm sticking with Presidnet Obama!

Anonymous said...

Is that music I hear, the flute of the Pied Piper?