Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Look Who's Putting up Political Signs?

   Dear Editor:

      I saw one of the most detested people in the area putting up political signs in Calaveras County recently.

   This person has caused other persons who have run for office to LOSE big time and now who is  this person trying to help LOSE?

   I am telling everyone who it was that put up the signs, knowing that will get them to vote for the other candidate.

   Bet you all know who I'm talking about, don't you? Too bad you didn't help other bad candidates last election, so they would have lost!

   What a fool that candidate is to allow someone like that to ruin their campaign.

     Good Luck to the LOSER!

                        Voter in Calaveras County


Anonymous said...

I know, it's that short stubby guy.

Anonymous said...

i think its that racist creep

Anonymous said...

Yuk! Isn't that the one who threatened the President because he's black?

Anonymous said...

omg. if you associate with racist you know what you are

Anonymous said...

the county drunk

Anonymous said...

wait, is this the crazy one who threatens women?

Anonymous said...

you mean the one who said "shoot the******?

Anonymous said...

this is the one who loves supervisor callaway so much and is afraid to tell anyone

Anonymous said...

your associations tell everything about what you believe. now i know who not to vote for.

Anonymous said...

I hear this guy sleeps with his friends wives whenever he gets the chance, and he does get the chance lately.

Anonymous said...

I bet I know who's wife he's sleeping with now. It's a big joke around the whole area.

Anonymous said...

is that the one i saw wearing a giant hat trying to cover his face?