Monday, August 13, 2012

Letter to the Editor...About Taxes

     "NO NEW TAXES WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE". That statement, at this point in time, affords me the same level of comfort as, "We found a problem during your prostate exam", or Hello, we are from the IRS".

   The Governor and ranking Democrats in the Califonia Legislature are playing a shell game
that borders on extortion.

   Fiscal waste is rampant and pervasive in every State office in Sacramento. The administration has closed many of our State Parks without any real justification.

    They've laid off hundreds of teachers and assistants even though California's educational system is horribly top-heavy and ineffective.

   They've laid off cops and are shuffling thousands of convicted felons back into our midst at a time when crime has increased to an all-time high.

   The most shocking and reprehenible transgression yet though is CalTrans awarding a multi-million dollar California bridge project to a CHINESE construction firm who proposes to use labor and materials from China to build a bridge in California

   Now we are told  that things will get worse if we don't vote in a tax increase.

   The new taxes that we're being asked to support won't get our cops and teachers back. New taxes won't return criminals to prison.

    The money will, instead, guarantee continued employment for thousands of unneeded government workers to keep the union treasuries bulging and Northern California Development interests.

   These two entities  figure significantly in the campaign funding efforts of the people promoting the increases.

    Pardon me, but now is a real bad time to ask me for more tax money and if Northern Californians don't wake up and smell the septic tank we will be left with a system that's about as useful as an Amish iPod.

             Think, then vote;;;;PLEASE

              Dennis Grady

              San Andreas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right on with this issue. I'm with you!