What is wrong with this admission? It means that, among many other things that have been reported in the media lately, that for years, friends of employees or Board members got special favors.
We spoke to many in that district who told us they were never given this employees home number, and had to go through the regular process when they had problems.
We spoke to many in that district who told us they were never given this employees home number, and had to go through the regular process when they had problems.
Unless every single ratepayer has the employees home number to get help, they are playing favors, and apparently until Julio Guerra took over, that was the case, as admitted by one employee.
This one employee also listed other things we were shocked to hear, but they will be posted in another article to come in the future.
How does Murphys Sanitary Board keep its Special District status? It seems that politics has played a role for years.
They really need to be merged with another, larger district, who can make sure things like the one listed above do not happen again.
Murphys Sanitary District has been "flushed" by this same employee for years and years. This same employee stock piled sludge for years and blatantly lied to the Board AND the State Water Quality Control Board. No one seems to care the rate payers are the ones paying the price.
The landlord where the District rents an office has been on the Board for years and laughs at the 1090 violation that clearly states no Board member should take money. Perhaps it is a good idea to look at whats happening to your hard earned money....pay to an employee that has run the District onto the ground for years, caters to his "friends" and lies repeatedly to the public! Sickening!!!
Someone at the last Board meeting made a public comment that the person responsible for burying the sludge against the State laws should be held accountable. Is that the same sludge you speak of in the last comment? How much is it going to cost the District to clean it up? Are there fines involved?
I heard that this employee said the only thing he ever did wrong was say something he shouldn't to another employee. What was that comment and is he sure it's the only thing he's ever done wrong? What about....?
This certain employee made much more than one wrong comment to another employee. I know because I worked at the District for many years and he constantly made the wrong "comments" to me. I tried for many years to file complaints to the Board and they always said, "we will take care of it" The more I complained to worse it got for me. The board never took action and this person got his way every time! I was finally taken off work by my doctor due to health problems created by the employees and Board members of the District. The "good ol' boy" attitude still stands if he is still an employee. It makes me sick!
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