Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Postal Workers Union Convention Political

   The American Postal Workers Union Convention last week pushed for the union members nationwide  to be political, and only support Pro-Uion Democrats.

   They say their employer  lacks integrity and credibility to follow the union contract. There is a NO-LAYOFF clause, and they believe there should never be any CLOSURES. Who is their employer?

   They were told to only vote for and campaign for those who are pro-union.

 We hear they had some great parties in LA at night.

 They accuse Republicans of wanting to "slash and burn"  because the USPS loses money every day.

   Where is their reality check?  They  feel their ads on TV worked well, to use fear to get the public to try and stop Congress from doing anything.  This is all about preserving the UNION at any cost, and nothing to do with the American public who will have to PAY!

    Yes, there is a lot of talk about $1 stamps coming soon. This is the only way to keep postal workers high paid with no layoffs or closures and a great retirement package.

   The APWU say that they lose $1,000,000 for every 5000 employees they lose, so they do not want to lose any employees. PRESERVE THE UNION!!! They were even told to wear union t-shirts at certain times.

   The public has to decide if keeping the Post Offices as over staffed as they are now, since they are simply not as necessary as they were at one time, is worth $1 per stamp or more.  

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