Monday, August 13, 2012

San Bernardino County Has 11% Unemployment

  August 10, 2012
Dear Sierra Sentinel:
   On Morning Joe this morning, San Bernardino County's dying economy was one of the focuses of discussion.
   1/2 of all homes financed there are under water, unemployment is over 11 % and property values are still declining.
   If you compare this with Calaveras County, we are so much worse. Unemployment numbers here hover around 13% officially, but do not take into account those who are now on welfare or only working part time, or have given up looking.
  And property values continue to
decline in nearly every area of the County. So how can our Supervisors continue to spend, spend, spend.
   How much debt does the County have? How are they able to continue their downward spiral?
   While CalFire reports this week that so much of California is literally burning up, the economy is not improving. People are burning up too, in anger, that grocery prices have soared in the last year or so, sizes of containers have shrunk.
   Properties are selling, but for nearly half of what they were originally worth when this county was put into a depression, starting with a moratorium, bad hires, bad firings, scandals, chaos at the government offices and lawsuit after lawsuit, which have cost us a fortune.
   The only way many can see for us to dig our way out is to get rid of the local elected officials now in control; the ones who put us here! The Sierra Sentinel is the only one with the courage to tell the truth!
   When you vote in November, think renewal, restart and anti-incumbent. Let's try starting over! WE KNOW WHAT WE'VE HAD!

                                                       JS in District 1


Anonymous said...

JS in District 1, who are you voting for Supervisor in District 1?

Anonymous said...

i don't know about JS, but i'm voting for Cliff Edson. At least he has a business in calaveras county, so he knows what all of us go through

Anonymous said...

what do you mean. tofanelli's been doing a good job, hasn't he?

Anonymous said...

tofanelli spends most of his time in stockton

Anonymous said...

Hey wait a minute. he asked me. I'm voting for Edson. JS

Anonymous said...

i kind of liked that Kelly guy whol lost.

Anonymous said...

oh, bull. i'm sticking with tofanelli