Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who Missed Primary Debates, Oller or Bigelow?

   Because we have one person who is upset that Bigelow has become so popular ("getting traction", they called it) in Calaveras County, we thought we would clear a couple of things up.

   First of all, Mr. Bigelow was here, in Angels Camp this morning, August 23, 2012 to meet with the Sierra Sentinel in person.

   The other issue this person brings up is that we found that Mr. Bigelow missed one of the debates,  and Mr. Oller missed one of the debates in the primary. This district has 9 counties. You cannot be everywhere at one time. Both candidates are excused for that.

   This person requested that the Sierra Sentinel sponsor a debate with another organization for the two Assembly candidates.  That is not currently planned.

  Why Mr. Bigelow is getting popular in Calaveras County is obvious now that we've spent time with him, asking questions and getting his point of view.  He's a terrific guy and NOT ARROGANT!


Anonymous said...

Seems that Oller people are very nervous, hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Rico Oller won the primary by 5%, it is Frank who should be nervous.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Mr. Bigelow missed two local forums that included state candidates. Gosh, it's a shame that the public was not invited to the Sierra Sentinel's interview. I for one would have enjoyed meeting him, to help me make up my mind as to who to vote for. There are two Democrats that have participated in forums here. One of the gentlemen has roots here in Calaveras. Much like Mr. Oller.
Thank you Sierra Sentinel for your article.