Wednesday, September 26, 2012

BBC 'sorry' for daring to report queen's comments


LONDON - Imagine this: President Barack Obama makes an indiscreet remark to a reporter.  The White House complains after the journalist reports the newsworthy encounter. The reporter and his network apologize. Hard to visualize, isn't it?LONDON - Imagine this: President Barack Obama makes an indiscreet remark to a reporter. The White House complains after the journalist reports the newsworthy encounter. The reporter and his network apologize. Hard to visualize, isn't it?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our lamestream media plays hardball with Republicans while giving Democrats, especially Barack Obama a pass on almost everything and never an apology for ther double standard nor their outrageous spin.

Having worked in Great Britain I can personally state that the British have stricter rules of ethical conduct that include things like comments made in confidence. At the same time their parliamentary sessions are brutal in their intensity and honesty. I doubt any of our politicians could measure up to that, especially those that rely on speech writers and teleprompters.