Bryce Randall was the first Supervisorial candidate to reply to our question of "Would you support an increase in the Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) to help support Mr. Wilensky's non-profit friends?
Randall sent us a resounding
Randall is now a couple of points ahead of Chris W, Wilensky's choice to replace him, according to our unofficial polling in that area.
The idea of taxing hard working businesses to give it to any non-profits who don't want to work to get their own money seems unconsititutional to us, but we are aware that Wilensky held a meeting in early September at Kautz Ironstone to try and talk the members of the Visitors Bureau into it.
If Mr. Wilensky wants his political supporters to get more money, then he should give it to them himself, out of his apple sales or his Supervisor salary, is the opinion we get from most we've spoken with.
Good for you, Bryce. Stand up to Wilensky's trying to buy votes, at the expense of suffering businesses and other non-profits who may be just as deserving. I sick of Wilensky's tricks.
Tom Tryon is firmly against it.
Darren Spellman firmly against it.
Bryce Randall firmly against it.
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Gary Tofanelli feels the arguments of those against it, especially the lodging facilities need to be weighed against the benefit to the Special Interests. Additionally the Long Term implications need to be considered.
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Wilensky all for it.
Chris Wright (Wilensky's hopeful) executive of a NON-PROFIT (say it ain't so!)is obviously ALL FOR IT.
In fact he called the issue a NO-BRAINER. Good choice of words Chris - in more ways than one.
Edson desperately for it.
Merita Callaway historically supportive of T.O.T. increases.
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