Sunday, September 2, 2012

Letter to the Editor....About Chris W(rong)

   Dear Editor:

   Supervisor Wilensky has told his political supporters how to vote in the coming fall election. He says he is not tied to any political party, and is as much Republican as he is Democrat.

   Now how many other lies has he told us over the past 8 years?  He told us that hiring Stephanie Moreno and creating another department for her would be the answer to all our prayers.

   How did that work out for us?  Scandal, lawsuits, chaos at the County offices, that's how it worked out.

  Then he worked hard to kill all building in the County. He and Callaway succeeded. What a wonderful thing that was to do to our working people, destroying our economy. Lost jobs, lost vehicles, lost homes, and lost families.

      He said it would be good for everyone. His answer to the unemployment numbers; create a "slash and burn" fund at the state to give his friends work, and destroy our private land. (the $150 tax)

    He has been the worst thing to happen to this county in recent memory. Anyone who votes for his clone (as the Sentinel) refers to him, wants more of it. And it will come!

    If people liked Wilensky so much, why couldn't he get W(rong) elected in June?  I want to get rid of all things Wilensky.  Not another 8 years for me.

           Republican in District 2 - One he lied to

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