The ridiculous Noise Ordinance which has wasted so much of our planning staff's time over the last few months is actually on the CONSENT AGENDA this coming Tuesday, September 25, 2012, as a Resolution.
This is so ridiculous and ignores the main complaints of noise in the County, GUNFIRE!
I that intentional. Is it really true what everyone is saying, that our Supervisors again have sold us down the river, and and actually are out to harrass only Lake Tulloch Resort?
Everyone is saying Tryon is trying to get votes from the homeowners groups around the Lake. At this late date, can this save his re-re-re-re-re-re-election effort. He is now down by what we estimate to be 40 points.
The main complaint of noise in the COUNTY is gun fire!? In the entire COUNTY? really. So does this mean that there's a lot of gunfire or an inordinant number of complaints from those that don't like guns? I personally don't know ... just saying. The strange thing is that I've lived here for over 15 years and the main source of noise I've experienced is neighbors fighting, neighbors partying complete with lots of swearing, high-school bands that don't have to turn down their grunge, rap or metal din even on a weekend when they're disrupting a wedding, logging trucks applying their jake brakes at 6 in the morning doing 50 in a 30 mile zone. I could go on but nowhere in the list do I recall a lot of gun fire. I have friends all over the county and they share my observations. Weird!
You are lucky as you must not have neighbors around you who shoot guns. Right now as I am typing this our flakey neighbor is shooting his very loud gun. Who knows what he is aiming at?? No consideration for anyone.... Just because it does not effect you does not mean it does not exist P.S. I like guns alot......
if you could look at the deputies reports or calls to their dispatch, you would probably see that there are more calls about gunfire than any onther one noise complaint.
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