Monday, September 17, 2012

Per Calaveras County Supervisors: No Noise...Except

   The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors passed a noise ordinance at their Tuesday meeting, with unusual exceptions.

   The exceptions are the most common complaints of noise...SHOOTING GUNS and BARKING DOGS.  There is NOTHING that cover this in 9.12 of weapons. Did these Supervisors  LIE?

   Now, it is obvious that Supervisor Tryon, in the fight of his political life,
and behind by what we estimate to be 14 points, insisted on passing a noise ordinance for the homeowners associations at Lake Tulloch.

   We are certain that he is hoping that this ordinance will get the homeowners assoications around the lake to campaign for hime, THE HERO of the DAY!.

   We feel that all this law is going to do is cause even more trouble. Neighbor against neighbor, personal prejudices of the Sheriff's, and get even calls from those who have grudges.

   With the Sheriff we have, there is no way that he will evenly handle the complaints and/or citations. They only arrest those they don't like and never his personal friends; not for trespassing, or threats or any other law, even when he has personal information of the guilt.



Anonymous said...

Geez, Sierra Sentinel, you got this one right on both counts. Tom Tryon and the Sheriff. Good Job!

Anonymous said...

The Sierra Sentinel supported Kuntz when he ran before. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Callaway stated that it was covered in the 9.12 or something like that. DID SHE LIE?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? This is nothing new. She is in love with that wierd shooting guy, is the rumor. She won't do anything to upset him. Who cares about Canyon View? She's retiring.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all if these comments. The Sheriff is a Tea Party'er who will let these guys do anything they want.
I think we need a new Sheriff. Who is running against him next time?