Monday, September 17, 2012

Rebecca Willis on Gun Noise

 You see below our inquiry into Callaway wanting the gunfire to go under the weapons law and we appreciate Rebecca Willis' honest response.

You are looking in the correct place.  Chapter 9.12 deals with shooting on private lands and does not address noise limits on weapons.   I believe it is the Sheriff's intent to amend this section in the future to limit hours on shooting and possibly add other restrictions to deal with noise.  So, the new noise ordinance does not deal with noise from gunfire, nor does the reference to Chapter 9.12 at this time. 

Question to Rebecca Willis of Planning:
I went in to look at the new noise ordinance as it refers to gunfire, and don't find anything under 9.12 of weapons regarding limiting noise. Am I looking in the wrong place. thank you ,



Anonymous said...

Is this really true? I'm stunned!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? IF not, she screwed us royally!

Anonymous said...

Merita would never do that to us.

Anonymous said...

Supervisor Callaway knew how important it was to put gunfire under a noise ordinance. Did she sell us out?