Monday, September 17, 2012

Too Shocking to Believe!

 More from Paul Zeek on the CalFire $150 Tax 
Here is a quote from the bill:
"It is the intent of the Legislature that the economic burden of fire prevention activities that are associated with structures in state responsibility areas shall be equitably distributed among the citizens of the state who generally benefit from those activities and those owners of structures in the state responsibility areas who receive a specific benefit other than that general benefit."
The operative word in the bill seems to be "prevention."  It is estimated that the proposed fee would generate 150 million dollars, which represents about 20% of CalFire's budget.
Paul Zeek
Chief of Staff for
Assemblymember Kristin Olsen



Anonymous said...

These creeps like Wilensky and them knew this was coming. that's why they set it up ahead of its passage.

Throw wilensky to the wolves. This is his doing. Him and his buddy Chris Wrong!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

go to to file a protest. but pay the tax. They can take your home if you don't!

Anonymous said...

This is the "Wilensky" TAX!!!

Anonymous said...

They cut and slash the brush and trees, i heard Wilesnky say, so that the animals have no natural food source. Then they will be hunted down and eliminated all of them.

Anonymous said...

It is called a benfit basin....if you benefit indirectly from Cal Fire you will pay the tax. How many times has Cal Fire arrived to fight fires in your community? A lot> Then it is well worth it.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a lie. This money is not allowed to go to fighting fires. Are you a CalFire person or something. This will go to hire more clerical and paperpushing managers though.

It will not save your home!

Anonymous said...

Did you notice the word equitably? Aren't there 3 E's in Agenda 21? Economics, Environment and Equity?
Are you enjoying the environmental MOVEMENT, yet? You'd better become acquainted with what is going on in the Planning Dept.
Are you enjoying the 3 E's?