Sunday, September 23, 2012

Two More Angels Camp Businesses "Bite the Dust"

  Many of us watched as two more businesses in Angels Camp went under this month alone. The Food Buys store and the
Comfort Mattress store closed up almost overnight, as they found the shoppers go out of county to buy the majority of their purchases.

   The Angels Camp City Council plays many games, pretending they want to support businesses in town, but never actually do anything.

   There are three things that would help at this time:

  1.  Cut the water bill in half to all businesses
  2.  Cut the fees for building permits in half
  3.  Get rid of the insane regulations that are hurting all businsses in town.

   Will they? No, of course not. But they plan to start another club to pretend to help business; and of course they will continue to help their personal friend who owns a building in the downtown.


Anonymous said...

Have you been downtown lately? More like a ghost town.

Anonymous said...

Was the Food Buys the discount food store across the street from the SS?
If it is, it's not surprising, the store wasn't open that often. Three days a week maybe. Discount food stores can survive, but they have to be open to sell products.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, never go downtown if i can avoid it. no place to park, and all the good antique stores are gone now.

Anonymous said...

I went to Food Buys a couple of times. At first they were open more, but didn't have enough different things i needed.

Anonymous said...

The other morning I drove thru downtown Angels Camp. There weren't any cars parked on the street. Seems to be some facade rejuvenation going on.

Anonymous said...

yes, i heard that our tax money is being used to help those two main landlords downtown. they are calling it a grant, but its OUR money.
they can't help people who are losing their homes, but they can help rich landlords with free stuff.

Anonymous said...

Is that last comment true about landlords? If it is, i'm mad! What City Council people helped them do that. Nobody helps other businesses get free stuff. And you are right, no one helps homeowners who are losing everything because of these government policies on no growth, overtaxing, etc.