Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mike Peccia Out of Order...Out of Control?

   Mike Peccia, who is well-known to shout at everyone during the Murphys Sanitary District board meetings, started yelling personal insults about personnel issues, and was told by the General Manager that he is "OUT OF ORDER" at the continuing emergency meeting on Monday October 1, 2012.

   Peccia, who has often been critical of the office staff, had yelled
about the staff feeling ill when required to attend Board meetings.

   One of the board members stated that Peccia never has anything 'positive' to say. (I think they meant YELL)  And the scary thing is, Peccia thinks he should be a Board member. OMG!

    Pat Davies, board President was not at the meeting and Fred Kett took over.  The Calaveras Board of Supervisors agreed to let the County Taxpayers pay for the dumping of the sludge that an MSD employee had allowed to accumulate.

   Now they needed to decide who would do the hauling of the sludge to the County yard.  The outfit needs to be licensed properly.

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