Friday, November 9, 2012

Encourage the Religious Right and the Tea Party--Then Laugh all the Way to the Polls

   Last night on one of the cable channels there was a discussion of what went wrong for Romney and the Republicans in this election.

   This panel discussion was about their losing the women's vote. One moderate Republican stated that "They need to get rid of the religious right and the tea party racists".

   But then one of the Liberal moderators said, "No, don't do that. They brought us Democrats 9 seats we wouldn't have had otherwise." That got my attention!

   In fact, it turns out that Claire McCaskill of Missouri paid for ads for Todd Akin back in the primary to make sure he would be the one the right wing picked, because she knew she could get him to say something stupid. 

   And he did, along with the 8 other men thrown out, many supported by the Tea Party.

     So Democrats, don't complain about the religious church people running the Republican party.  Encourage it. And then laugh all the way to the polls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the Sierra Sentinel folk are heathens! I hope you all enjoy the democrats super majority in California. They've been using the 3 letter word:FEE. Now, they'll be using: TAXES!