Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Have You Seen the TOT Rally Video Yet?


       Comcast Channel 9 is now showing the TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) increase rally for certain candidates that took place last week.


   From the beginning, you could see that it was a set-up. The 5 non-profits that were set to gain free money from this tax increase, were placed in the Supervisor Chairs, in positions of Authority, with Pat McGreevy, the so-called CREATOR of Citizens for a Better Calaveras in the Center Seat (as if Board Chair).

   The incumbent and hopeful Supervisors (6) were placed lower at a table crushed together, forced to share one microphone, passing it up and down the row.

   The Non-Profit heads pretended at first like it was an ordinary candidate forum, asking each candidatate WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO HELP OUR NON-PROFIT?

    Every candidate, however, knew that this was a rally for the certain candidates, which were already listed on their websites to help them get enough votes to go over the top, to make them supposedly look good to the voters, next Tuesday.

   Instead, what happened was a debacle, in which Chris W from District 2 MIS-STATED that the Sheriff's Department was getting 20% of the TOT, with Bryce Randall very courteously correcting him, and Pat McGreevy bragging about something to do with skinny-dipping with Supervisor Callaway. He even called for her to agree from the audience. It was disgusting!

   There was only one true STATESMEN-LIKE comment made during the entire rally, and that was at the very end from Supervisor Tofanelli.

   Tofanelli asked why tax money should be paid to 5 non-profit groups who cannot EVER be held accountable for their actions, and who have proven themselves incapable of getting donations for many reasons,  which the public is unaware .

   He stated that if the taxpayers want money to go to the animals, why don't we designate it to County Animal Services, who is ultimately responsible for the animals and use the 5 acres on the County property there to build a new facility?

   He also stated that if the taxpayers want to give tax money to the Libraries, why not designate the money go directly to the County Libraries, instead of giving it to a small non-profit that is not at all accountable to anyone.

  Tofanelli correctly stated that these non-profits elect themselves, decide what to do with the money they are given themselves, without ANY CONTROL AT ALL!


   If you have seen this video we would like to hear your comments. You will notice that never once did the camera person show the audience. Many of us wanted to know who was out there; who was it that was trying to SCREW THE PEOPLE OF CALAVERAS YET AGAIN.


Anonymous said...

Wright and Edson made total fools of themselves, and would say anything to get elected.

Anonymous said...

You are totally right that it was staged to make the Non-profits look powerful and the Supervisors look small and unimportant.

Anonymous said...

trying to picture mcgreevy and callaway skinny dipping...

Anonymous said...

I watched part of the video. I didn't know a single person sitting in the Supervisor Chairs. What gave them that right?

Anonymous said...

Steve Wilensky, the seasoned SEIU organizer orchestrated it with Pat McGreevy as the eager sidekick. Non-profits, demanding a handout from the Lodging Industry by campaigning for THEIR picks for County Supervisors. Just another example of where those relying on tax-payer money are placing themselves in the position of authority.

Anonymous said...

It's no different from most employees in Public Sector Unions making more money and waaaaay better benefits than their Private Sector counterparts, the people that actually pay their heigher salaries & benefits with their TAXES! Bass Aackwards!

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting to support the non-profits but not so sure after hearing the candidates speak. McGreevy, Edson & Wright didn't appear to have done their homework at all and came across as nothing more than bobblehead yesmen. As much I hate to admit it, Tofanelli seemed to have done his homework and weighed the pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

This video isn't going to help their case. Makes them look like political hack. Did Wilensky orchestrate the whole thing. That I would believe.

Anonymous said...

I watched the video hoping to get some valuable information for why I should vote yes on what sounded like a worthy cause. But all I heard were claims that these non profits were on the verge of having to shut down which Tom Tryon said was total B.S. and I believed him because no one argued with him after he said it. Seems to me they're tight on money like most of us and they feel entitled to be helped by placing a tax on other people who probably are also feeling the pinched. Video changed my mind.

Anonymous said...

just watched the video. thanks for reminding us. Cliff Edson didn't even know that Officer Laurie Murray and the Sheriff's Department are not even part of the animal control and haven't been for some time. Where has he been?

Anonymous said...

I watched it and the long-winded vocal acrobatics were painful. All that beating around the bush when the only question was: "Do you support increasing the tax on the lodging facilities and giving the proceeds to us?"
- YES [ ]
- NO [ ]
- WHY [ ]
5 minutes for each candidate to answer = 30 minutes.
And for anyone who didn't have anything else to do, another hour for Pat McGreevy and his panel of Entitled to tell everyone how important their non profits is.
Total of 60 minutes with the same results.

Anonymous said...

That's a total of 90 minutes. You must be using the same math CBC used to claim the Sherrif's dept was getting more money from this.

Anonymous said...

The best part was listening to Tom Tryon answering what was basically the same question using different words over and over and over again with basically the same answer: "No I Don't Think You're Entitled To Tax Businesses so you can Receive the Funds!". And using the kind of exasperated tone a hard working father would use to address a spoiled child asking for a handout. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that Callaway and Wilensky have promised to repay them for supporting them all these years, so they feel entitled.

Anonymous said...

I have to give them credit for one thing. Judging by the way the supporting candidates, especially Edson and Wright, answered the questions, it was obvious no one gave them an advantage by telling them what the questions were ahead of time. But having said that, they all know who the non-profits are and basically that they would be asked to justify tax money for them. Wouldn't have taken much effort to prepare an informed sounding answer instead of all the irrelevant pontification. While Debbie Ponte's answers didn't have musch more substance at least she sounded intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ponte did sound intelligent however she keeps repeating that while she was Mayor, Angels Camp increased their tot from 6 to 10% and there was no negative impact on Tourism. And while she's correct, overall Tourism and LODGING are 2 different animals. LODGING was DOWN: 3% in 2008, 19% in 2009, 11% in 2010. So either Ponte is confused or she's purposely trying to fool us.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing complicated about this issue. The economy sucks and consequently there's less money in the General fund. And the easiest way to get more money is to TAX somebody. And the easiest way to get people to vote for a TAX INCREASE is to pick a tax that doesn't affect their own pocketbook. And if that hurts the people being taxed ...... let's not think or worry about the long term inpact.

Anonymous said...

Ponte is simply trying to back up Wilensky & Wrights comments that "there's no proof that increasing TOT defers tourists" by putting meat on it but instead she puts a SPIN on it. Besides, why should the opponents of this tax have to prove anything. Those with their hands out should have the burden of proof. Let them prove that raising the TOT isn't going to hurt any of the facilities that are oppose this.

Anonymous said...

Sierra Sentinel. you forgot to add; don't watch this video if you have a weak stomach.