Dear Sierra Sentinel:
I just heard this morning about what Spellman does, slurring women over e-mail,
and I am calling for him to resign. I want to know if his religion encourages this type of treatment of women.
In my opinion, Spellman has something seriously wrong with him and will never be able to handle any type of pressure. He has embarrassed his position over and over again, and now that this has come out, it's the final straw.
If he refuses to resign, there needs to be a serious recall of him, with a good candidate to take his place.
District 5 deserves better. No one who treats women as he does should be allowed to continue in a public office.
D in District 5
The Mormon Church encourages total domination of women, doesn't it, so they won't care.
I see those kind of emails all the time. tea party gun toters send them around, even about female elected officials. Disgusting things from disgusting people.
Hey Sierra Sentinel. Don't give out any names of who is writing. Last night I heard that Spellman and his Tea Party friends are desperate and will try to get even with anyone to try and save his position as Supervisor.
Everything Spellman does just makes him worse. This is not a nice person, and he's supposed to be religious. Look how many other teachers he's tried to hurt. This guys got problems.
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