Dear Editor:
Since the election that overwhelmingly proved that Barack Obama is the man this country wants to represent and lead us, there has been a lot of talk about the demise of the Tea Party.
I'm with Rachel Maddow on this issue. Let these racist and sexist creeps keep going. It's helping the Democrats.
Editor, are you really surprised to learn that Tea Party supporting men write vicious, insulting lies about a woman when she disagrees with them?
That is what truly unites these people. Hatred, bigotry, racism, resentment for women who don't agree with them, and the desire for full control of what any woman does with her body.
It's past time for them to be exposed. Did you notice that yesterday, Speaker Boehner was given a pre-written speech to give, taking back some of his compromising talk of the day before"
Did his Tea Party congressmen threaten to take his leadership away if he doesn't to their line? Sure looks like it from here.
It's ok with me. Let them keep going the way they are, to total demise of the Republican Party. Even the Coke brothers $400 million couldn't save them this time and it will only get worse.
It's no wonder they need guns. Thank you for standing up to these creeps, Sierra Sentinel.
A loyal reader for over 3 years in Copper
your letter is exactly on the mark. wish i'd said it. it's so true
Wow! Haven't seen this good of a letter in years. I agree completely!
A popular vote of 51% to 48% isn't exactly overwhelming. 332 to 206 electorl votes is better but then you have to consider that most states are winner takes all. In california for example all you need is a 51% popular vote to get all 55 electoral votes.
Gee, we didn't hear you creeps complain when the supreme court gave an election to bush even though he clearly lost. typical tea party garbage. your racism is showing out of your low-slung pants.
Hey, we tea party guys love women. just do what you're told, keep your mouth shut and we'll get along fine, otherwise....?
you know, Bryce Randal is one of them too, and they claim to be good mormons. right!
Al segalla, cory blrnel and tanya dausen run the Tea Party group that Spellman runs around with.
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