Friday, November 2, 2012

Letter to the Editor....About Wilensky and Chris W

   Dear Editor:

    It's about time that people started seeing Supervisor Wilensky for what he really is; a wily sneaking
Weasel who hired a woman to fire our Building Department head simply because he red-tagged his illegal building within a building.

   He then continued supporting this friend although there were scandals, rumors of affairs with elected officials, lawsuits, total chaos at the County, and clear incompetence.

   We have Wilsenky to thank for "Trinitas"  lawsuit (approximately $800,000 in legal fees the taxpayers pay), embarrassment to our County due to everyone in Northern California hearing about what was truly going on in Calaveras, the "Waller" lawsuit. (another $500,000 + legal fees), giving the unions (SEIU) big raises even after the crash of '07 (typical union thuggery) and now he's trying to screw the working people to give it to his campaigners to repay them for their support over the last 8 years.

   Isn't this the same guy who refused to help one of his constituents with a ROOSTER problem, and trying to make that person look "nuts" so people wouldn't listen to him??

   We have to get rid of this guy and his buddy Chris W. before they do even more to kill our economy and we are all working a "slash and burn" jobs or are on welfare.

     WS in District 2


Anonymous said...

It's about time that the truth came out about this corrupt union thug. Did you know he got an award for conning people into believing his garbage is honorable. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wilensky announced he is not running for another term. That was a lie. Through W he plans to get him to do everything he wants cause W is not smart enought to know better. I don't think I could take 8 more years of Wilesnky, nor could District 2.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't anyone been honest enough to say these things before. Is Calaveras County a place of cowards?