Wednesday, December 5, 2012

CalFire Has Too Much Time on their Hands.....

  As our readers know, we have been critical of CalFire's stealing of our money NOT to fight any fire in our rural area, $150 for each home. And what is that money really for?
   Even before their $150 tax, however, we became aware of extremely bad behavior among CalFire employees; employees who have so much time on their hands they get into trouble; gossiping and creating problems.

   CalFire in Sacramento Headquarters will not recognize this as a problem or even review these problems with employees; nor will they apologize for their bad employees properly.

   Now we have been told that they have extremely long stretches of time on their hands, due to no fires in wet weather.

  So what are they doing now.  They are tweeting; and they are tweeting odd things that have absolutely nothing to do with CalFire.

   Someone has got to lay off half of their workforce. The governor needs to be aware of the incompetence of management who allows this at CalFire.

  Ultimately, the Head of CalFire in Sacramento is responsible and OUR MONEY is being WASTED by them.

    Someone needs to to something. Do they just sit around doing fun things all winter?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why? The Cal Fire Board just passed the bill. We're stuck with a $150 fee, because the state legislature removed a large amount of CalFire's budget last year, permanently.
Do you think a bill passed by board not elected to do so is legal?? Now that's a big question. Can you say the word: LAWLESSNESS ?