Thursday, December 6, 2012

Republicans Against United Nations ...."

    Jon Stewart put it best on his Comedy channel show last night. He showed some of the ridiculous speeces given by the Republicans gave in the Senate against the U.N. "People with Disabilities Treaty."

   The Sentinel called these Republicans uneducated isolationists, but we think John Stewart called it for what it truly is "Delusional Paranoia!"

   He believes this is the problem with those who are against anything an international organization  like the United Nations does, such as Agenda 21.

   "Delusional Paranoia"  is the only thing that makes sense.  Irrational fear of something they don't understand and feel is out to get them.

   The United Nations, which is made up of nations around the world scares the uneducated, the totally ignorant, who don't like anyone that isn't white.

   No wonder Jon Stewarts news comedy show is more popular than regular news shows. He calls politicians for what they honestly are, and we give him credit for having the guts to say it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It all depends on where, when and how you grew up in the United States of America. Part would be if you believe in the Constitution of the United States or if you believe "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it" (Frederic Bastiat/The Law).
For the benefit of the Jon Stewarts of the liberal persuasion, the rule of law law has now become the rule of the Lawlessness.
Sierra Sentinel, a while back, didn't the UN have problems accounting for some big money? Trustworthy people? NO!