Sunday, January 27, 2013

Brown Act Review at City Council - WHY?

   Since we all know that the Angels Camp City Council is getting around the Brown Act by having ADHOC committees, by having everything decided by telephone and e-mail which the public is not allowed to hear or see, and by having McHatten make all the decisions and just telling the City Council how to vote, this was a joke.

    When Mr. Sobohn was appointed he made a big deal of stating that the City Council should be listening to the people, but now that he is inside, he seems to have lost that thinking.

   What happens is that they become insiders, feeling important, and just gets brainwashed into thinking that the public is taking care of when they are actually ignored.

   Angels Camp is not only divided, but most refuse to attend Angels City Council meetings, feeling that it is hopeless.

    Of course, if your name is Ann Forrest, you get money, votes, and even an idiotic looking frog to take over the city's logo.  Yes, it is a STUPED looking frog. It should be put to a vote of the real people, not just the Ann Forrests in town.

   At the last City Council meeting Ann Forrest admitted that she represents the Destination Angels Camp and the Angels Camp Business Association at different times during the meeting.

    There is so much corruption going on at the City now, it's hard to believe; the Brown Act is almost a minor issue.
   Forrest owns a large building she rents out in downtown Angels Camp.  When we have questioned City Council members about all the favors she gets, he responded "She does a lot for us!"

    Shocked!!  Don't be! That's the way this Angels Camp City Council and Administrator work. 

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