Monday, January 28, 2013

OP-ED...The Three VS 'sketeers....

    Are there just three people from Valley Springs, who attend every single meeting, whether planning or supervisors, and seem to stick their noses into everything and everyone else's business,  never seeming to be able to keep their mouths shut or stop their harrassment of others.

   Marti Crane, Joyce Techel and Colleen Platt, stand up one after the other to put forth what we believe are idiotic ideas about dark skies, and other excuses to complain about what someone else wants to do with their property.

    It's one thing to have an interest in the property close to your own, but oh, no, that's not enough for these three, who are known to tell Copper and Arnold residents what they should do.

   Crane (the perpetual candidate),  never fails to say something like ..."isn't it wonderful how everyone is getting a chance to speak and get along,  and aren't we just the best thing since sliced bread!"  (Excuse us while we barf)

   Then Colleen Platt will say something like "We really don't want to cause the property owner any problems."  RIGHT!

   If that was the case then why are they there annoying hardworking people every single time they get the opportunity.

   You know, John Muir never intended that a persons' desire to have natural land to enjoy meant "OTHER PEOPLE's LAND".

      He felt the government should keep some land natural by purchasing it, for the public. He did not intend what is going on now, attempting to steal it from legitimate landowners by making their land worthless.

     For whom; 3 VS'sketeers, the Marti Cranes, etc., to trample? If you want land the way YOU want it; BUY IT, don't attempt to steal it.

   Dizzy busybodies with no life and nothing else to do should mind their own business, is our personal feeling. 

   They seem to be trying to continue pushing all of Calaveras County right into the toilet of welfare, and their ideas are the reason the County has no jobs now!

   Just our opinion!! The three VS'sketeers are such close buddies, and they'll never stop!!


Anonymous said...

Wasn't the federal government supposed to divest itself of land to the states or individual citizens? Other than certain defined properties.

Anonymous said...

Wait until the general plan gets it's $1.2 million act going again.
That'll probably be as much fun as Mardi Gra. WWWWHHHOOOOOPPPPEEEE!
Where the rubber meets the road. Hey, what ever happened to the Road Ordinance Committee and the work those citizens did??
It probably wasn't in the cabal's interest. Definition of cabal: Tryon's "agenda" associates.