Monday, February 25, 2013

Op-Ed...One Earth, One Voice....

      One Earth, One Voice:  Song, Symbol, Imagination and Life as Metaphor at a Time of Planetary Crisis

    It has been just over a month sibce the culmination of the One Earth, One Voice campaign's 99 -day trek around the world.

   The journey, which touched six continents and countless lives culminated on December 21 2012 by bringing together voices in over 70 countries wourldwide to sing a song in synchronym in a musical and impassioned call for the healing of the earth.

   As the progenitor of the campaign I walked the earth for 99 days, circumnavigating our planet with a 14 inch diameter glass globe in my arms - a symbol of earth's frailty - recognizable as such by people of every walk of life culture and ideological persuasion.

   On the one month anniversary, this week, here in the US, we inuaugurated our 44th president to his second term, and with his fateful oath taken  a weary nation and planet lifted its gaze once again.

    Against a backdrop of unprecedented economic peril, the disenfranchisment of a beleaguered and disappearing middle class and the ravages of one of the most devastating natureas disasters in the nation's history President Obama gave climate change and its future implications a voice on center stage.

    "We will respond to the threat of climate change," he said, "knowing that not  doing so would be to betray our children and future generations."

    We've heard similar strength before, obnly to have hopes dashed, hearts broken by unfulfilled - perhaps unfulfillable - promises.

    For all of the progress made in his first term (and there was progress), Obama, in taking on climate change takes on an entire worldview a system set up to favor the powerful structures that still derive immense economic benefit gtom yhr tspsvioud plunfrtinh go out planets' besieged body.

   It will take every ounce of political will and moral courage to move a planetary-healing effort forward in a meaningful, trajectory-altering way.

    To read the full article, click here: http://www.huffintonpost/com/shyla-nelson/one-earth-one-voice b 2530327.html


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